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EOSC Architecture

This webinar is part of the TRIPLE Open Science Training Series.

The training session is dedicated to the EOSC Architecture and is presented by Ville Tenhunen, Data Solutions Architect at the EGI Foundation.

Ville Tenhunen first presents the EOSC and its ongoing developments. He provides an overview of the EOSC Architecture principles, the EOSC Future guiding principles and the Minimum Viable EOSC. The main components of the EOSC Architecture are then introduced, along with a detailed view of its layers. Ville Tenhunen describes the components of the EOSC Architecture and more specifically EOSC Core, EOSC Exchange, EOSC Support Activities and the EOSC Interoperability Framework. He explains the scope and purpose of the EOSC Interoperability Framework and its importance in federating the services that will compose the EOSC. The problems encountered on the way to achieving technical, semantic, organizational and legal interoperability are highlighted and recommendations are presented for each aspect. Finally, the speaker introduces the requirements to become a service provider in the EOSC, such as for example the obligation for services to be accessible to users outside of their original community.

You can download the slides here:

Learning Outcomes

After watching this video you should:

  • understand the principles of the EOSC Architecture
  • understand what the main components of the EOSC Architecture are
  • understand interoperability issues in the EOSC Architecture
  • understand the projects and further developments of the EOSC Architecture

Cite as

Ville Tenhunen and Yin Chen (2021). EOSC Architecture. Version 1.0.0. DARIAH-Campus. [Webinar recording]. http://localhost:3000/id/up7WiP6nfHgyO8neLFYaZ

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Resources hosted on DARIAH-Campus are subjects to the DARIAH-Campus Training Materials Reuse Charter

Full metadata

EOSC Architecture
Ville Tenhunen, Yin Chen
Social Sciences and Humanities
Content type:
Webinar recording
CCBY 4.0
Open science, EOSC

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